xv6 Tips and Tricks

Adding a userspace test code to xv6

Say you would like to add a new test source code to your xv6 system, let’s call it xv6test.c, to test a new system call or a new feature that you have added. Here are the steps involved in doing that:

  1. Create your test source code file under user/xv6test.c.

  2. Write your test code in xv6test.c, something like
    #include "kernel/types.h"
    #include "kernel/stat.h"
    #include "user/user.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      printf("Hello from my test case in xv6\n");
  3. Add your code file to the Makefile in the repository’s top level directory. Specifically, look for the definition of the UPROGS variable and then add the name of your test file to the end of that list definition, and prefix it with an _ character. For example, in my case, my UPROGS variable looks like:

    Do not copy and paste the above snippet, it will mess up the tabs in the Makefile. Instead, add that last line yourself.

  4. Compile and start xv6 using make qemu.

  5. When xv6 drops into the shell, make sure that xv6test exists using ls.

  6. Then run the xv6test program as follows:
    $ xv6test
    Hello from my test case in xv6

Adding a system call to xv6

For some of your projects, you might need to add a new system call and provide support for the kernel to do things on behalf of the user (think of fork, wait, clone, etc.). Let’s say I would like to add a system call, let’s call it spoon, that accepts a void pointer as an argument, and then just prints that address from kernel space. Here are the steps involved in setting this system call up:

  1. Add a prototype for spoon in user/user.h as follows:
    int spoon(void*);
  2. Add a stub for the system call in user/usys.pl as follows:
  3. Add a system call number to kernel/syscall.h as follows:
    #define SYS_spoon 22

    Note that SYS must be capitalized.

  4. Add your system call to the list of system calls in kernel/syscall.c as follows:
    static uint64 (*syscalls[])(void) = {
      /* ... other stuff here */
      [SYS_spoon]  sys_spoon,
  5. Also in kernel/syscall.c, add the signature of your system call to the list of externs:
    extern uint64 sys_spoon(void);
  6. In kernel/def.h, add the function call signature under the proc.c section of definitions (right around the fork, exec, etc. definitions):
    uint64 spoon(void*);
  7. In kernel/sysproc.c, add the function call to sys_spoon as follows:
    uint64 sys_spoon(void)
      // obtain the argument from the stack, we need some special handling
      uint64 addr;
      argaddr(0, &addr);
      return spoon((void*)addr);
  8. Finally, in kernel/proc.c, add the your actual system call implementation:
    uint64 spoon(void *arg)
      // Add your code here...
      printf("In spoon system call with argument %p\n", arg);
      return 0;
  9. Write a small test case for your system call, call it spoon_test.c, and add it to xv6 in the same way we did in the first section above. Mine looked something like this:
    #include "kernel/types.h"
    #include "user/defs.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      uint64 p = 0xdeadbeef;
  10. Run your test program and verify that it executes the system call:
       $ spoon_test
       In spoon system call with argument 0x00000000deadbeef

Warning: Accessing user space data from kernel space

Note that once you are in kernel space, it is very dangerous to access user space data. So for example, if you would like your system call to fill in some buffer for ther user, or fill in the content of a structure, or pretty much doing anything to userspace data, you must be very careful.

To get around that, you can use copyin to copy data from user space to kernel space, and copyout to copy data from kernel space to user space. I doubt you will need those functions in your project, but in case you do, the code in filestate in kernel/file.c serves as a great example of how to use copyout to copy a structure from kernel space to user space.


You will have plenty of example of reading system call arguments and copying them into kernel space in the xv6 code. Specifically, look at the different system call implementation functions in kernel/sysproc.c and kernel/pipe.c.

Here’s a more concrete example, say we want to read an integer from userspace into the kernel space, then the user must provide us with a pointer to that integer (it doesn’t matter which region of memory that pointer resides in). To read it into the kernel, we’d do something like the following:

my_kernel_function(uint64 *user_addr) {
  /* grab the process that caused the context switch to kernel space. */
  struct proc *p = myproc(); 
  int kernel_value, err;

  err = copyin(p->pagetable, &kernel_value, user_addr, sizeof(int));
  if(err == -1) {
    // error, something went really wrong, return an error or panic.

  // do stuff with kernel_value and now copy it back to the user.
  err = copyout(p->pagetable, user_addr, &kernel_value, sizeof(int));
  if(err == -1) {
    // error, something went wrong, return an error or panic

You can do very similar things to read in any type, including structures and so on. But be careful that copyin and copyout do shallow copies, so if you have pointers deep into a structure, you’ll need to do multiple copy operations. Try to avoid that as much as possible.

Mixing RISC-V assembly with C

In some cases, you might need to write some RISC-V assmebly code that you will need to call from your C code. For example, let’s consider that I want to write a function in RISC-V assembly that adds two numbers and returns their results. In other words, I would like to implement the below C function in assembly:

int addfn(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

To do this, a few things that we need to note. First, in RISC-V, function arguments are passed through the a0-7 and the return values should be put into the registers a0 and a1. Therefore, we can write the above function in assembly as (you can add this to user/addfn.S):


    .globl addfn
    /* add a0 to a1, those contain x and y, and store the result in a0
     * as a return value.
    add a0, a0, a1

Note that since this is a very simply function that makes no function calls, we don’t need to worry about storing things on the stack and then loading them. I don’t think you will need to write anything more complicated in this project, but if you need to, check out the RISC-V calling conventions.

Now, we need a way to compile this function and then write some code to test it. First, let’s try to write the testing code. The way to do that is that we will have to define the function as an extern to our file. So, create a test code file, call it user/addtest.c, and test the function as follows:

#include "kernel/types.h"
#include "user/user.h"

extern int addfn(int, int);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int x = 1, y = 2, z;

  z = addfn(x, y);

  printf("Calling add(%d, %d) results in %d\n", x, y, z);


Now off to compiling it. There are two ways of doing it, one is lazy and a bit wasteful while the other is more efficient but requires more edits to Makefile.

Compiling: The lazy way

The first approach compiles the add function and includes it in all binaries that are generated for the user. This wasterful because not all user programs need this function, so it ends up occupying space that is unnecessary. Also, the name addfn is now global, so no other program can define a function of the same name, even if they are effectively independent. But sometimes, since we’re prototyping, lazy compilation is ok. Here are the steps:

  1. In the Makefile, add the _addtest to the UPROGS variables:
  2. Next, add the assembly file to the list of user libraries:
    ULIB = $U/ulib.o $U/usys.o $U/printf.o $U/umalloc.o $U/addfn.o
  3. Then, add a rule to compile the assembly file:
    $U/addfn.o: $U/addfn.S
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $U/addfn.o $U/addfn.S

    Again, please do not copy and paste the above line, you need to write it yourself with a <tab> character at the start of the second line, otherwise make will complain.

  4. Finally, compile the kernel using make qemu and run the test code:
    xv6 kernel is booting
    hart 1 starting
    hart 2 starting
    init: starting sh
    $ addtest
    Calling add(1, 2) results in 3

Compiling: The efficient way

To compile things in an efficient way, we need to link addfn.o only when compiling addtest and nowhere else. To do so,

  1. In the Makefile, add the _addtest to the UPROGS variables:
  2. Add the following rules to first generate addfn.o and then link it with addtest as follows:
     $U/addfn.o : $U/addfn.S
       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $U/addfn.o $U/addfn.S
     $U/_addtest: $U/addtest.o $U/addfn.o $(ULIB)
       $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -N -e main -Ttext 0 -o $U/_addtest $U/addtest.o $U/addfn.o $(ULIB)
       $(OBJDUMP) -S $U/_addtest > $U/addtest.asm

    Again, please do not copy and paste the above line, you need to write it yourself with a <tab> character at the start of the second line, otherwise make will complain.

  3. Continue with step 4 from above.

Running on a single CPU

Sometimes, to debug things, it would be helpful if we can avoid concurrency problems. To do so, we can ask qemu to run a single virtual CPU instead of the 3 that xv6 uses by default.

To do so, open the Makefile, find the line that says:

ifndef CPUS
CPUS := 3

and change that to

ifndef CPUS
CPUS := 1

Alternatively, you can pass the CPUS parameter to make when compiling the code. First clean up everything using make clean, and then compile while specifying the number of CPUs to use as follows:

$ make CPUS=1 qemu

When xv6 runs, you should see something like:

xv6 kernel is booting

init: starting sh

Note the missing lines compared to our regular execution:

hart 1 starting
hart 2 starting