Makefile and Debugging

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lecture, you should be able to:

  • Define the steps involved in building an executable starting from your source code.

  • Write a makefile that automates the build of your projects.


In this lecture, we will cover the following topics:

  • Makefiles and the build process.



  • When writing large projects, we generally do not dump all of the source code in one file.
    • We (hopefully) intelligently separate our code base into logical compartments the implement different functionalities.
    • Our compartments will depend on each other.
    • We will finally put everything together to have final deliverable or executable.
  • So our projects are spread out across several source files and folders that have internal dependencies.
  • When building those projects, it is essential to the following:
    • Keep track of the dependencies.
    • On every change, it is essential to minimize the amount of work we have to do by only rebuilding the components of the project that have changed.
  • In a sense, this is very similar to us trying to cook a meal, which has several components, and each component requires a recipe and a certain set of ingredients.

  • Definition: make is a generic build tool that allows you to:
    1. Define targets and dependencies between them.
    2. Write a recipe that defines how each target is built.
    3. Execute the recipe and produce the ultimate (and intermediate) targets.

Interlude: Building Targets

  • So far, we have seen how to compile a source file and produce an executable from the command line, using something like:
    $ gcc -o a.bin a.c
    • But what are the steps involved in producing a.bin?
  • First, we do a preprocessing step, in which a intermediary file (typically with a .i extension) is produced.
  • Second, we compile a.i into assembly language for the appropriate architecture, producing a file with .S extension.
  • Third, we build an object file (typically with a .o extension) that contains (among other thing) the machine representation of our assembly instructions.
  • Finally, since we normally have dependencies to resolve, the linker will take care of bringing object files from different places to produce a self-contained executable that you can run using ./a.bin.
  • We can try this and see all those files using
    $ gcc --save-temps -o a.bin a.c
  • We can then individually inspect each of these files.

Incremental Builds and Makefiles

  • So now we know the steps of a build process, we would like to optimize building larger projects.
  • Generally, our implementation will be spread out across several .c source files.
  • So if we change one of those files, do we really want to recompile and redo all of the steps for all of our source files?
    • Not really, we can make use of the presence of those intermediary steps in the building process.
  • Knowing that, we can make our building process more efficient:
    • If I change a source file, I can simply recompile that file into its corresponding object file.
    • All other object files remain unchanged.
    • Then we can link again to produce our final executable.
    • Unchanged file do not have to be recompiled.
  • Note, to simply recompile a source file into an object file without linking, we can use the -c flag with gcc. For example:
    $ gcc -c a.c
    • This will generate the object file a.o without linking.

Makefile Syntax

  • So now we can talk about writing makefiles that would help us build things incrementally.
  • You can think about a makefile as a bunch of rules that will be executed to produce a given target.
  • A makefile rule looks something like the following:
    target: prerequisites
    • Note the following:
      1. make expects that your goal is to produce a file called target.
      2. The commands will execute in order.
      3. Every command must be preceded by a <tab> character, make will complain if you do not have those characters in (manually adding space will not work).
  • You can build several rules for several targets and create dependencies between them, something like the following:
    big_target: medium_target little_target1
    medium_target: little_target2 little_target3
    little_target1: file1 file2
    little_target2: file3


  • Consider an example project where we have the following files:
    • a.c and a.h contains a bunch of function definitions and implementations.
    • b.c that contains our main function, but it externs a function implemented in c.c.
      • For a good discussion of using header files vs forward declarations, check out this link.
    • c.c implements a function needed from b.c.
  • So, here’s how we can write our Makefile:
    b.bin: b.o a.o c.o
      gcc -o b.o a.o c.o
    a.o: a.c a.h
      gcc -c a.c a.h
    b.o: b.c
      gcc -c b.c
    c.o: c.c
      gcc -c c.c