Threads and Mutex Basics

Threads and Mutex Basics

This lab serves as an introduction to the basics of creating and manipulating pthreads threads as well as a direct application of using mutex locks to solve basic concurrency problems.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Implement multi-threaded code using the pthreads library.
  • Distribute the work load between multiple threads in a multi-threaded program.
  • Implement basic usage of mutex locks to solve concurrency problems.

Getting the Source Code

We will do this lab in the main branch of your labs repository. To make sure you are on the right branch, check it out using:

  $ git branch

The branch you are currently on will be highlighted for you (with a * next to its name).

If you are working on the main or master branch, then follow these instructions:

  $ git fetch upstream
  $ git pull upstream main

At this stage, you should have the latest copy of the code, and you are good to get started. The starter code is contained under the threads_basics/ directory.

If you are currently on a different branch (say you are still on clab_solution from a previous lab), then we need to switch to main or master (depending on your default’s name).

First, add, commit, and push your changes to the clab_solution to make sure you do not lose any progress you did on the last lab. To check the status of your current branch, you can use:

  $ git status

This will show you all the files you have modified and have not yet committed and pushed. Make sure you add those files, then commit your changes, and push them.

If git push complains about not knowing where to push, you’d want to push the current branch you are on. So for example, if I am working on clab_solution, then I’d want to do git push origin clab_solution.

Now, you are ready to swap back into main (or master).

$ git checkout main

Then, grab the latest changes using:

$ git fetch upstream
$ git pull upstream main

At this stage, you should have the latest copy of the code, and you are good to get started. The starter code is contained under the threads_basics/ directory.

Building things

All the files in this lab can be built like using the provided makefile.

Thread Factoring (20 points)

Look in the thread_factoring project in the threads_basics/ directory.

Start by understanding the code in threadExample.c (you may have seen this example already, but if not review it).

Then use threads to parallelize the problem given in factoring. If you do it correctly you should be able to see the correct number of threads working in parallel.

Here’s some sample output from my solution. Note that when given two threads, my solution will make one thread handle evens and one thread handle odds. Your approach does not have to split up the problem this way, as long as it divides the values to check between each thread approximately evenly.

Give a number to factor.
How man threads should I create?
running thread
running thread
thread 2 testing 3
thread 2 testing 5
thread 2 testing 7
thread 2 testing 9
thread 2 testing 11
11 is a factor
thread 2 testing 13
13 is a factor
thread 2 testing 15
thread 2 testing 17
thread 2 testing 19
thread 2 testing 21
thread 1 testing 2
thread 1 testing 4
thread 1 testing 6
thread 1 testing 8
thread 1 testing 10
thread 1 testing 12
thread 1 testing 14
thread 1 testing 16
thread 2 testing 23
thread 2 testing 25
thread 2 testing 27
thread 2 testing 29
thread 2 testing 31
thread 2 testing 33
thread 2 testing 35
thread 2 testing 37
thread 2 testing 39
thread 2 testing 41
thread 2 testing 43
thread 2 testing 45
thread 2 testing 47
thread 2 testing 49
thread 1 testing 18
thread 1 testing 20
thread 1 testing 22
thread 1 testing 24
thread 1 testing 26
thread 1 testing 28
thread 1 testing 30
thread 1 testing 32
thread 1 testing 34
thread 1 testing 36
thread 1 testing 38
thread 1 testing 40
thread 1 testing 42
thread 1 testing 44
thread 1 testing 46
thread 1 testing 48
thread 1 testing 50
thread 1 testing 52
thread 1 testing 54
thread 1 testing 56
thread 1 testing 58
thread 1 testing 60
thread 1 testing 62
thread 1 testing 64
thread 1 testing 66
thread 1 testing 68
thread 1 testing 70
thread 2 testing 51
thread 2 testing 53
thread 2 testing 55
thread 2 testing 57
thread 2 testing 59
thread 2 testing 61
thread 2 testing 63
thread 2 testing 65
thread 2 testing 67
thread 2 testing 69
thread 2 testing 71

You will need to pass parameters to your thread functions to solve this problem. Use void pointers just as we did in class during the threading activities.

Thread Sorting (40 points)

Look at the thread_sorting project in the lab directory.

In this program you will demonstrate your understanding of thread creation, joining, and just some general purpose concurrent algorithm design in C.

We want time how long it takes to sort with various sort algorithms. We’ll do this with 3 different sorting methods (all the sorting code is given to you). We will do this sorting in parallel using threads. We will print some info about how fast the various sort methods were.

The program is in the file threads.c and takes two command line arguments:

  1. the number of threads to create (n),
  2. the number of numbers each thread should sort

Here’s some example output from my solution:

$ ./threadSort_solution.bin 6 5                                      
Sorting indexes 0-4 with brute force
Sorting indexes 5-9 with bubble
Sorting indexes 10-14 with merge
Sorting indexes 15-19 with brute force
Sorting indexes 20-24 with bubble
Sorting indexes 25-29 with merge
Sorting indexes 20-24 with bubble done in 2 usecs
Sorting indexes 15-19 with brute force done in 2 usecs
Sorting indexes 10-14 with merge done in 78 usecs
Sorting indexes 5-9 with bubble done in 1 usecs
Sorting indexes 25-29 with merge done in 52 usecs
Sorting indexes 0-4 with brute force done in 1 usecs
brute force avg 1.500000 min 1 max 2
bubble avg 1.500000 min 1 max 2
merge avg 65.000000 min 52 max 78
Result array:
26 27 28 29 30 
21 22 23 24 25 
16 17 18 19 20 
11 12 13 14 15 
6 7 8 9 10 
1 2 3 4 5 

Note that the final result is only regionally sorted. Namely, only the numbers within a group which is assigned to one thread are sorted. The overall data array doesn’t need to be sorted in this lab.

  1. We’ve given you code that handles the input arguments and generating the numbers to sort, so you don’t need to worry about that.

  2. Use a loop to create n parallel threads, distributing the number of values evenly across each thread.

    Each thread will sort its group of values using a different sorting algorithm. In each thread, call one of three sorting algorithms. One third of the threads created should use a brute force sorting algorithm. One third should use bubble sort. And finally, one third should use merge sort. You can assume it divides evenly. I built a function called thread_dispatch that my pthread_create calls. thread_dispatch then looks at its parameters to figure out which of the 3 sorting functions it ought to run (exactly what those parameters are though, is up to you).

    Make your thread_dispatch print "Sorting indexes..." messages as in the example output above. Note that I put a sleep(1) after the first Sorting indexes printf - this makes its obvious my threads run in parallel even if the sorting they do is really fast.

    Be sure to test this code and make sure your result array output matches mine before you continue on. Don’t worry about tracking time (the next part) till the basic sorting works.

  3. Now make each thread track how long it takes to do the sort. Here’s some example code for time tracking:

    struct timeval startt, stopt;
    suseconds_t usecs_passed;
    gettimeofday(&startt, NULL);
    // some code that takes time
    gettimeofday(&stopt, NULL);
    usecs_passed = stopt.tv_usec - startt.tv_usec;

    The time elapsed needs to be stored somewhere so it can be aggregated up after all threads are done.

  4. In a loop, the parent thread should wait (using pthread_join) for each thread to complete. Once all of the of the n threads have completed, the main thread calculates the maximum, minimum, and mean values for the execution times of each sorting algorithm. It should then print these values to the console.

Basic mutexes 1 (20 points)

The problem

Compile and run add_a_lot.c. You will see that it uses multiple threads to repeatedly add to a global variable. However, the final sum is not correct because as multiple threads edit the variable they interfere.

To be clear, a variable add looks something like this in assembly:

  1. Load the variable from memory into the register
  2. Add, possibly outputting in some other register
  3. Store the variable in the output register into memory

However, if we have multiple threads acting at once, the interleaving can cause the count to fail.

  1. Load the variable from memory into the register (thread 1)
  2. Load the variable from memory into the register (thread 2)
  3. Add, outputting in some other register (thread 2)
  4. Store the variable in the output register into memory (thread 2)
  5. Add, outputting in some other register (thread 1)
  6. Store the variable in the output register into memory (thread 1) and discarding Thread 2’s change

The solution - Mutex locks

You might be tempted to try to use some tricky stuff involving special booleans to prevent concurrent modification. We’ll explain more in future classes, but for now realize that these kind of things tend to have their own problematic edge cases unless built very very carefully. Let’s not do that ourselves - instead we’ll use mutex locks.

Mutex locks are one of a variety of concurrency synchronization mechanisms your system might provide. They are very powerful and flexible, but in this assignment we’ll use them in the simplest possible way.


Mutex locks represent a binary lock (think of a padlock that can be in two states: unlocked and locked). There are two operations:

  1. pthread_mutex_lock - Try to lock the mutex, sleep if mutex is locked
  2. pthread_mutex_unlock - Unlock a mutex that has already been locked. Note that it MUST be the same thread that locked the lock to be the one that unlocks it.

These are all carefully designed so that, regardless of the interleaving of calls, the mutex locks behaves consistently. For example, if the mutex is unlocked, and two threads try to lock it, then exactly one of the threads will be able to lock the mutex and proceed, while the other one will find it locked and wait for it to be unlocked.

How can we use these two operations to protect our code? We want to use a mutex lock to ensure that multiple threads never enter our “critical section” (that is, our global increment) at the same time.

See if you can figure out how to do this on your own without peeking at the next section.

Using mutex locks to protect a critical section

So the idea is that we’re going to create a mutex and initialize it to be in the unlocked state.

Then in the code we want to protect from interference, we’ll to this:

  1. pthread_mutex_lock - if the lock is unlocked, then thread will proceed. If the lock is locked, then the thread will block waiting for it to be unlocked.
  2. Now we know we’re the only thread in the critical section so we can safely update the global variables
  3. pthread_mutex_unlock - unlock the mutex lock because we’re out of the critical section and we want to let any other threads that are blocked to proceed.

Doing this in code

  1. Include the proper header

    #include <pthread.h>
  2. Declare a global mutex

    pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
  3. Before the code you’d like to protect starts, first wait to ensure you don’t proceed till you have “locked” the mutex:


    You’ll want to make the critical section as small as possible to allow for maximal concurrency.

  4. After the code you’d like to protect finishes, “unlock” the mutex lock:

  5. Once you’re sure all the threads are finished using the lock, clear it out (this usually happens in main after some joins):


Solve it!

Use the steps above to solve the problem in add_a_lot.c.

Basic Mutex 2: RedBluePurple (50 points)

For a detailed description of the problem look at the comments in the red_blue_purple.c file.


Thread Factoring creates threads and they run 10
Thread Factoring correctly divides work and displays well 10
Thread Sorting Loop and create n parallel threads to sort parts of the data 10
Thread Sorting Each thread uses timeofday to measure total execution time and prints index and execution time 10
Thread Sorting Computes and prints min max and mean times for each algorithm 20
Basic mutex 1 Follows instructions and eliminates concurrency bug using mutex locks 10
Basic mutex 2 Mutex locks used correctly (e.g. created, freed with proper functions) 15
Basic mutex 2 All concurrency bugs eliminated 15