(Challenge) Lab 13 Stack Smashing


In the lab, we will learn how to perform control hijacking attacks by exploiting buffer overflows bugs. Control hijacking refers to an attack that attempts to divert the control flow of a program away from normal execution to execute arbitrary attack code (typically, dropping into a root shell). Each one of the provided programs contains a security vulnerability that you must exploit to hijack the control flow of the program and satisfy the requirements of each part.

A Statement on Ethics and Responsibility

In this lab, you will be learning about and performing control flow hijacking attacks on sample controlled piece of code. Performing the same attacks outside of the controlled environment that we provide you with is against the law and Rose-Hulman policies, and may result in fines, expulsions, and even jail time. You SHALL not attack anyone else’s machine without prior authorization and in a controlled environment.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lab, you should be able to:

  • Define control flow hijacking attacks.
  • Implement different types of exploits to cause unintended consequences when running vulnerable code.
  • Identify defenses against control flow hijacking attacks, and then subvert them.
  • Write better code and avoid buffer overflow bugs.

Getting the Source Code

We will do this lab in the main branch of your labs repository. To make sure you are on the right branch, check it out using:

  $ git branch

The branch you are currently on will be highlighted for you (with a * next to its name).

If you are working on the main or master branch, then follow these instructions:

  $ git fetch upstream
  $ git pull upstream main

At this stage, you should have the latest copy of the code, and you are good to get started. The starter code is contained under the stack_smashing/ directory.

If you are currently on a different branch (say you are still on clab_solution from a previous lab), then we need to switch to main or master (depending on your default’s name).

First, add, commit, and push your changes to the clab_solution to make sure you do not lose any progress you did on the last lab. To check the status of your current branch, you can use:

  $ git status

This will show you all the files you have modified and have not yet committed and pushed. Make sure you add those files, then commit your changes, and push them.

If git push complains about not knowing where to push, you’d want to push the current branch you are on. So for example, if I am working on clab_solution, then I’d want to do git push origin clab_solution.

Now, you are ready to swap back into main (or master).

$ git checkout main

Then, grab the latest changes using:

$ git fetch upstream
$ git pull upstream main

At this stage, you should have the latest copy of the code, and you are good to get started. The starter code is contained under the stack_smashing/ directory.

Installing Needed Software

To make things a bit simpler, we will run 32-bits version of the code that we provide you with. To do so, you should install some software first to cross compile 32 bit applications on a 64 bit machine. To do so, run

sudo apt install -y gdb gdb-multiarch gcc-multilib python2
sudo apt install -y gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu

(The reason we run both steps is because xv6 needs gcc-riscv. If you run these instructions in this order, both this lab and xv6 will work.)

Also, install gef on top of gdb, it will make your life a lot easier.

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gef.blah.cat/sh)"

A Note on Python

Our scripts in this lab run on python2 (some day we will upgrade those to python3, but not today). The commands above install python2 on your machine. You can use your favorite scripting language to write these solutions. For me, python2 was the most comfortable since it was easy to print weird characters (we’re going to need that a lot in this lab).

A Note About WSL2

It seems that WSL1 on Windows is not able to run 32 bit applications. To be able to do this lab, you must be running on WSL2. To upgrade from WSL1 to WSL2, follow the instructions here and here. If running the wsl command from Powershell does not work, then you are running an older version of Windows, and you need to manually upgrade WSL by following the instructions here.

Note that you can still run Linux virtual machines on WSL1 if you require them, you can use the command wsl --set-version <vm-name> 1 from Powershell, where <vm-name> is the name of the distribution that you would like to run on WSL1.


PLEASE READ THE NOTE BELOW, your code will not work if you do not do the below two steps.

Before you start this assignment, you must run the cookie generation script to generate your own unique ID. We use this ID in our code to make sure that your solution will only work for you, and for none of your classmates.

To generate your cookie, run the setcookie.py script and pass it your Rose email ID (without the @rose-hulman.edu). For example, running the script for myself would be:

$ ./setcookie.py noureddi

This will generate a file name cookie in your lab directory. You need that file to be present at all times with solving this lab.

Please make sure that you use your usename as input to the script. That is what we will be using when grading the lab. If you use the wrong value, all your solution will break and you will receive no credit for any of the parts.

Disabling Kernel Protection

Every time you want to work on this lab, you must turn the Linux kernel’s virtual memory protection scheme (called Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)). To do so, run the following script:

$ ./disable_aslr.sh

Once you are done with this lab, please reenable ASLR using the script:

$ ./enable_aslr.sh

Some gef commands

Here are a bunch of useful gef and gdb commands:

  • next or n: execute the current line and move to the next line. Note that this jumps over function calls.

  • step or s: step into a function. Use s if you would want to move execution into a function to debug further. I do not recommend using step for libc functions for this lab.

  • nexti or ni: execute the current instruction and move to the next one.

  • stepi or si: step into the first instruction of a function call.

  • context: redisplay the current gef context.

  • context stack: dump the stack on the screen.

  • gef config context.grow_stack_down True: make the stack grow downward instead of upward. I recommend using this setting as it is easier to visualize.

  • For a list of useful gef commands, see the documentation

Part 1 🌶️

Note that we did this part together in class, so you can simply just copy the solution we did together. This is to reward you for attending class.

In this part, we will start off easy by overwriting a variable on the stack. Take a look at the source code in part1.c, compile it using make and run the program. The program will wait for you to enter your name and then will print the following:

$ ./part1
Hi mohammad you are a wonderful person!.

Your job is to pass an input to this program such that it will change the output of the program. We will create our input using a python script which we will then redirect to the standard input for this program. When successfully completing this part, you should see something that looks like the following

$ python2 part1.py | ./part1
Hi mohammad you are pwnd!.

Note that mohammad should be replaced with your own name!

Here are some suggested steps that you might take:

  1. Examine part1.c, where is the buffer overflow?
  2. Start part1 in gdb and disassemble the _main function. Identify the function calls and their arguments and local variables.
  3. Draw a picture of the stack, where is the variable that you will overflow and where is your target? How are they stored relative to each other?
  4. How can your input affect the values of other variables in the code. Test your thought process by trying different inputs to the program.


Submit a python program called part1.py that prints the line that you must pass to your program to cause the overwriting of the intended variable. To test your program, you can write

$ python2 part1.py | ./part1

Hint: To write a string that contains non-printable ASCII characters in python, you can supply your code with the hexadecimal value of the byte you intend to print. For example, to print byte 0xf6, you can use "\xf6" as part of your python string.

Hint: To repeat a character “X” n times in python, you can use "X"*n.

Part 2 🌶️

Note that we did this part together in class, so you can simply just copy the solution we did together. This is to reward you for attending class.

In this part, instead of overwriting a variable, we will overwrite the return address of a function so that it goes and executes a piece of code that we select (which the program originally was not intended to execute). Take a look at part2.c and try it out:

$ ./part2
Have a nice day =)

Your job is to overwrite the return address of a function that you must identify, in order to cause the program to execute the function print_bad_outcome instead of executing print_good_outcome. By successfully completing this part, you should see something like the following

$ python2 part2.py | ./part2
You are pwnd!

Here’s a suggested way to approach this problem

  1. Examine part2.c, where is the buffer overflow?
  2. Start part2 in gdb and find the starting address of print_bad_outcome. To do so, you can use (gdb) info address print_bad_outcome. Record that address in your notes.
  3. Set a breakpoint at the vulnerable function. To set a breakpoint at a specific machine address, you can use (gdb) b *(0xDEADBEEF) where 0xDEADBEEF is the address you want to break at.
    1. Run the program using run to reach the breakpoint.
  4. Disassemble the vulnerable function and draw its stack. Where is the vulnerable buffer stored? gef will prove to be very useful here.
  5. What should the value of the return address of the vulnerable function be (i.e., where should this function return to)?
  6. Examine the return address of the vulnerable function.
  7. What should your input be to overwrite the return address?


Submit a python program called part2.py that prints the line that you must pass to your program to cause the overwrite of the return address. To test your program, use

$ python2 part2.py | ./part2

Hint: When developing your solution, you might find it useful to examine the hex content of your input string, to do so use:

python2 part2.py | hd

Hint: As mentioned in class, you might find the struct package in python very useful.

Part 3 🌶️

In this part, we will start the actual fun of redirecting the user’s program to execute a system call that opens a shell for us to use at we please. This program takes its input as a command line argument, rather than through the standard input.

To help you out, we have provided you with shellcode.py that contains machine instructions that, when executed, will open a shell. Therefore, placing this piece of code in memory and redirecting the execution to the start of these instructions will cause the program to open a shell.

Your job is to exploit the part3 binary to open a root shell when executed. Here is an example output

$ sudo ./part3 "$(python2 part3.py)"
# whoami

Note that the quote "" around the python2 command are necessary to avoid the case where what you are writing contains a space character.

Here is a suggested approach:

  1. Examine part3.c, where is the buffer overflow?
  2. Write a python program, called part3.py and make it print the shell as follows
    from shellcode import shellcode
    print shellcode
  3. Start up gdb with the program arguments as follows:
    $ gdb --args ./part3 $(python2 part3.py)
  4. Set a breakpoint at the vulnerable function and start the program.
  5. Disassemble the vulnerable function, where is the starting address of the buffer?
  6. Identify the instruction that follows the call to strcpy and set a breakpoint there, then continue execution
    (gdb) b *(<address of instruction>)
    (gdb) c
  7. Examine the content of the buffer, does it now contain the shell code? To do so, you can use the following gdb instruction (gdb) x/32bx 0x<address>.
  8. Disassemble the shellcode using (gdb) disassemble/r 0x<address>,+32. What is it doing? Note the call to int and check what it is doing.
  9. Modify part3.py so that the input overflows the buffer and causes the program to run the shellcode.


Submit a python program called part3.py that prints the line that you must pass as an argument to your program to create the exploit. To test your code, use

$ sudo ./part3 "$(python2 part3.py)"

If you are successful, you should see a command prompt starting with the character #. Typing whoami should print root as shown in the example above.

Part 4 🌶️🌶️

In this part, the developer has realized the errors of their ways, and decided to use a safer function called strncpy (check the manpage for strncpy if you are not sure what the difference between it and strcpy is). Therefore, the exploit technique we used in the previous part no longer works.

Lucky for us, the developer miscalculated the size of the buffer. Hopefully this will help you figure out another way to redirect the program’s control flow to execute our shell code.


Create a python program, called part4.py, that prints the line you must pass as an argument to your part4 to cause the creation of a root shell. To test your code, use the following:

$ sudo ./part4 "$(python2 part4.py)"

Part 5 🌶️🌶️

In this part, the developers are really on our tail, they have enabled data execution prevention (DEP) in the compiler so that no code from the stack can be executed.

This part resembles part 3, except that now the program will not execute any code from the stack, which renders our previous solution to part 3 obsolete. You can still overflow a buffer and overwrite the return address, but you can’t execute any code on the stack or heap (so maybe there’s another place to execute from?).

Your task is the find a way to hijack the control flow of the program in a way that causes it to start a bash shell. Check out the manpage for the system() function call, and try to pass /bin/sh to system and see what happens.


Create a python program, called part5.py, that prints the line you must pass as an argument to your part5 to cause the creation of a root shell. To test your code and avoid issues with special characters, use the following:

$ sudo ./part5 "$(python2 part5.py)"

Note that you will loose some points if your exploit generates error messages. We strive to have clean exploits that are not easily detected.


Some binaries contains a lot of constant strings that you did not even create. To find such strings, you can use the strings Unix utility (surprise!) as follows:

$ strings part5

For example, if you want to find the string /bin/sh in your binary, you can use:

$ strings part5 | grep /bin/sh

Furthermore, you can ask strings to print you the offset of the starting byte of this string in memory as follows:

$ strings -t x part5 | grep /bin/sh
6d871 /bin/sh

This means that the start of my /bin/sh string in memory is 0x6d871 bytes away from the start of my process’s memory space. (Note that the offset in your case might be different than mine).

To find the actual address of /bin/sh in memory, we will have to use gdb. First load the program using gdb --args part5 abc.

Then, start the program using:

gef> start

After that, check the starting address of our memory address space:

gef> info proc mappings
Start Addr   End Addr       Size     Offset objfile
	 0x8048000  0x8049000     0x1000        0x0 ...
	 0x8049000  0x80b5000    0x6c000     0x1000 ...
	 0x80b5000  0x80e4000    0x2f000    0x6d000 ...
	 0x80e5000  0x80e7000     0x2000    0x9c000 ...
	 0x80e7000  0x80e9000     0x2000    0x9e000 ...
	 0x80e9000  0x810c000    0x23000        0x0 [heap]
	0xf7ff9000 0xf7ffc000     0x3000        0x0 [vvar]
	0xf7ffc000 0xf7ffe000     0x2000        0x0 [vdso]
	0xfffdd000 0xffffe000    0x21000        0x0 [stack]

You can see that the starting address in my case is 0x8048000. Next, we can add the offset we obtained above and find the address of /bin/sh as follows:

gef> x/x 0x8048000 + 0x6d871
0x80b5871:	0x6e69622f

To see the string in memory, you can change the print format as follows:

gef> x/s 0x8048000 + 0x6d871
0x80b5871:	"/bin/sh"

Part 6

Ignore Part 6. Skip to Part 8.

Part 7

Ignore Part 7. Skip to Part 8.

Part 8 🌶️🌶️🌶️

At the start of this lab, we asked you to turn off ASLR to make your exploits feasible. If enabled, ASLR will make exploiting a buffer overflow really hard since the position of the stack is changed on each execution. To give you an idea of what that looks like, we will simulate ASLR, but not really turn it on.

This part is very similar to part 3. However, the stack position is randomly changed every time you run this code. Try it out in gdb and check out the start of the vulnerable_fn’s stack, it should change on every run. The caveat is, unlike ASLR, we are only modifying the stack position by a bounded random offset.

Your job is to write an exploit that can open a root shell every time you run this program, despite the presence of our little randomization.


Create a python program, called part8.py, that prints the line you must pass as an argument to your part8 to cause the creation of a root shell. To test your code, use the following:

$ sudo ./part8 "$(python2 part8.py)"

Some Hints

In x86, the NOP instruction (opcode 0x90) can be used to simply advance the program counter without really doing anything else. You might find the NOP instructions very useful in this part. Maybe spraying some NOPs here and there would be a useful idea?


Submit all of your python (or any other scripting language) scripts to Gradescope. Do not submit your cookie file or any of the binaries.


Part Points
Part 1 10
Part 2 10
Part 3 15
Part 4 20
Part 5 20
Part 6 or Part 7 or Part 8 25