Lab 02 -- Simple Shell


In this lab, we will build a simple shell. The shell is the program that allows you to run commands on the command line (i.e., it’s the thing where you type cd and gcc … into). The most famous shell is called bash, though many variants exists, including fish, zsh and others. Just like preferred text editors, Unix people tend to have a preferred shell. To check which shell you are running, from your Linux terminal, use the following command:

$ echo $SHELL

In my case, I am running the zsh shell. Feel free to experiment and find your favorite shell. A lot of customization can make your shell feel like your home.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lab assignment, you should be able to:

  • Implement a simple shell that can parse commands and execute them.
  • Use fork, exec, and wait to launch foreground commands.
  • Use fork, exec, and wait to launch background commands.
  • Eliminate zombie children using the SIGCHLD signal.

Getting the Source Code

We will do this lab in the main branch of your labs repository. To make sure you are on the right branch, check it out using:

  $ git branch

The branch you are currently on will be highlighted for you (with a * next to its name).

If you are working on the main or master branch, then follow these instructions:

  $ git fetch upstream
  $ git pull upstream main

At this stage, you should have the latest copy of the code, and you are good to get started. The starter code is contained under the simpleshell/ directory.

If you are currently on a different branch (say you are still on clab_solution from the last lab), then we need to switch to main or master (depending on your default’s name).

First, add, commit, and push your changes to the clab_solution to make sure you do not lose any progress you did on the last lab. To check the status of your current branch, you can use:

  $ git status

This will show you all the files you have modified and have not yet committed and pushed. Make sure you add those files, then commit your changes, and push them.

If git push complains about not knowing where to push, you’d want to push the current branch you are on. So for example, if I am working on clab_solution, then I’d want to do git push origin clab_solution.

Now, you are ready to swap back into main (or master).

$ git checkout main

Then, grab the latest changes using:

$ git fetch upstream
$ git pull upstream main

At this stage, you should have the latest copy of the code, and you are good to get started. The starter code is contained under the simpleshell/ directory.

Starter Code

To make your life easier, we have given you a sample starter code that will parse input commands into two chunks: the command and an argument (if any). Actual command parsing in a shell is pretty complex, but the sake of our sanity, we will keep things insanely simple. If you’d like to check out more complex parsing libraries, feel free to check out the libreadline library.

For our purposes, here’s a simple breakdown of how things happen in our parsing scheme. Our shell, let’s call it Rose shell, or rhsh, prompts the user for a command that is no longer than 82 characters. We then parse this command into two strings stored in an array of character pointers, thus the following two lines:

/* the full command entered by the user. */
char command[82]; 
/* the array of two string representing the parsed command. */
char *parsed_command[2];

Two cases might arise when a command is parsed:

  1. The user input a command without an argument, in that case parsed_command[0] contains the command the user wants to execute, and parsed_command[1] is NULL.
  2. The user input a command with an argument, in that case parsed_command[0] contains the command the user wants to execute, and parsed_command[1] contains the string representation of the argument the user wants to pass to that command.

Note that our simple parser does not handle edge cases or malformed commands, so we will make the nice assumption that our users are all well-behaved. Now, take a look at the simple_shell.c file and make sure you understand how parsing the commands work. Ask any questions you might have.

The donothing.c Program

In addition to the simple parser, we also provided you with the donothing.c program. As its name suggests, this program simply reads its arguments, sleeps for 5 seconds, and then exits, pretty much doing nothing. Give this code a read, and make sure to ask any questions you might have.

Compiling the Code

To make the building and compilation process simpler for you, we have provided you with a Makefile that automates the build process. To build the lab, simply issue the file command from your Linux terminal:

$ make
gcc -c simpleshell.c
gcc simpleshell.o -o simpleshell
gcc -c donothing.c
gcc donothing.o -o donothing

If the build is successful, you should see two executables show up, simpleshell and donothing. Any time you make changes to your code, simply issue make again to recompile only the necessary files and reproduce the needed binaries.

Step 1: Executing Foreground Commands

The first thing we would like our shell to do is to actually execute the command that the user passes to it. To do so, modify the code to use one of the variants of the exec system call we discussed in class. We recommend that you use execlp but feel free to use whichever variant works best for you.

Recall that calling exec will replace the existing process with another one. However, we would like our shell to still be running after the called program is executed. In other words, if the user issues the command ./donothing, then the shell must execute ./donothing but it should not replace the shell itself; ./donothing should execute in a separate process. Therefore, to achieve this desired behavior, you will need to use the fork and wait calls.

Your code should work correctly when passed zero or one input argument. To help you out, the donothing program will print out information about its arguments. Here is an example of running the shell on my terminal:

$ ./simpleshell
RHSH% ./donothing
Command is './donothing' with no arguments
Do nothing program started!
EXECUTABLE './donothing'
Pausing for 5 seconds...
Do nothing program finished!
RHSH% ./donothing foobar
Command is './donothing' with argument 'foobar'
Do nothing program started!
EXECUTABLE './donothing'
ARGUMENT 1: foobar
Pausing for 5 seconds...
Do nothing program finished!

Note that to exit RHSH, you should hit ^C (or ctrl-c), which will kill the main simpleshell process.

Step 2: Basic Background Commands

In step 1, you will notice that when rhsh executes a command, the main shell will wait for the command to finish up before accepting new commands (thus the term foreground). In this step, we would like to provide support for background_ commands, i.e., commands that run without blocking the simple shell.

Using a combination of fork, exec, and wait, modify your code such that if the user’s command starts with the BG prefix, then the shell will run the command in the background. In other words, if the user types

RHSH% BGemacs

The shell will open an emacs window and return to the prompt (i.e., the RHSH% prompt) before emacs finishes running. You should be able to run as many background commands as you like.

Here is an example output from my machine:

$ ./simpleshell
RHSH% BG./donothing
Command is 'BG./donothing' with no arguments
RHSH% Do nothing program started! <=== NOTE: new shell prompt prints out fast but that's not bad
EXECUTABLE './donothing'
Pausing for 5 seconds...
BG./donothing <=== NOTE: this is me running a 2nd donothing in the background
Command is 'BG./donothing' with no arguments
RHSH% Do nothing program started!
EXECUTABLE './donothing'
Pausing for 5 seconds...
Do nothing program finished!
Do nothing program finished!

Note that your printouts might show in a different order, that is okay. We will understand this phenomenon more when we talk about scheduling and concurrency.

At this stage of our implementation, we will be generating zombie processes. Let’s not worry about them now, we will take care of them in Step 4.

Step 3: Background Commands with Finish Notification

When a background command finishes, we would like our shell to let us know that the command is done by printing Background command finished. Augment your code from Step 2 and use fork and wait to detect when a background command has finished execution. Note that you are not allowed to change the source code in the donothing.c file; all of your code changes must happen in simpleshell.c. Hint: You might need more than one fork.

Here’s an example output from running a background command in my shell:

$ ./simpleshell
RHSH% BG./donothing
Command is 'BG./donothing' with no arguments
RHSH% Do nothing program started!
EXECUTABLE './donothing'
Pausing for 5 seconds...
Command is 'BG./donothing' with no arguments
RHSH% Do nothing program started!
EXECUTABLE './donothing'
Pausing for 5 seconds...
Do nothing program finished!
Background command finished
Do nothing program finished!
Background command finished

Step 4: Zombies

Now let’s do a small experiment. You will need two terminal windows for this step. You can either open two separate terminal windows or check out tmux for ways to split your terminal and have some more customization.

Start your simpleshell and run a background command (e.g., BGemacs or any other background command). Then, from the other terminal window, issue the command

$ ps -a

This should show you the list of processes that are running in your current Linux shell (not in simpleshell, but in your Linux shell). Next, kill or exit the background process (e.g., the emacs process you started from simpleshell) but do not exit simpleshell, and from your other Linux terminal, run ps -a again. If your implementation is correct, you should see something like <simpleshell defunct>, which indicates that you have a zombie process.

Your goal in this step is to get rid of these zombie processes. To achieve that, we will need to wait on all our processes that are finishing. However, if we wait too much, we’ll end up stalling our simpleshell, which goes against the whole point of having background processes.

In this lab, we will make use of the SIGCHLD signal. When a process exits (using the exit call or by return from main), it will send its parent the SIGCHLD signal. In this lab, we will catch the SIGCHLD signal from the parent and then execute the wait call on the finished child, preventing it from becoming a zombie.

To achieve this, in your code, before starting your shell, register a signal handler for SIGCHLD with the operating system using:

signal(SIGCHL, handle_sigchld);

where the function handle_sigchld is the function that the parent will execute when the SIGCHLD signal is received from the child.

void handle_sigchld(int ignored)
  /* TODO: Insert your code here! */

Once you wait for all the children, defunct processes should no longer appear in your process list.

Small Caveat

The above solution introduces a different bug. If you execute a background command followed by a foreground command, this will cause a double wait which will stall the shell until the background command completes. There are more sophisticated solutions that will solve this problem, but they’re beyond the scope of this assignment - we’ll leave it at that for now.

Submitting your code

There are no special submission requirements for this lab, you only have to submit the simpleshell.c file. Please do not submit any other files than simpleshell.c.

Submission Checklist

  • My code compiles and generates the right executables.
  • I submitted simpleshell.c to Gradescope.


Check out this assignment’s grading page for more information.