Scheduling Activity


In this activity, we will be exploring the xv6 scheduler by first trying to understand the way it is actually implemented. We will then think about the advantages and disadvantages of the current xv6 implementation and try to identify ways in which it can be improved. Finally, we will spend the remainder of the session trying to implement said optimization and testing out their effects.

Getting the source code

For this activity, we will need to mess around with the code for the xv6 kernel. So before you start this activity, please make sure that all of your code for your labs is pushed to your own private repo, otherwise, we might risk mixing things up and losing your progress.

Backing up your lab code

If you have made a private xv6 repo, first commit and push all of your changes to your repo. You can do so using:

$ git commit -am "saving progress"
$ git push

Getting on the right branch

First, switch to the main branch to get everything back in order, to do so, use (recall, if your main branch’s name is master, use master)

$ git checkout main

Next, fetch the changes from our end using

$ git fetch upstream

Then, make sure that the branch klist shows up

$ git branch -a 
* main

Then, get the klist branch as follows:

$ git checkout -b klist_sol upstream/klist
branch 'klist_sol' set up to track 'upstream/klist'.
Switched to a new branch 'klist'

Finally, push the empty stub to your own repo using:

$ git push --set-upstream origin klist_sol
Enumerating objects: 99, done.
Counting objects: 100% (99/99), done.
Delta compression using up to 56 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (80/80), done.
Writing objects: 100% (88/88), 3.15 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s, done.
Total 88 (delta 15), reused 19 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (15/15), completed with 11 local objects.
remote: Create a pull request for 'klist_sol' on GitHub by visiting:
 * [new branch]      klist_sol -> klist_sol
branch 'klist_sol' set up to track 'origin/klist_sol'.

Understanding the xv6 Scheduler

To get a better idea of the scheduling approach in xv6, it might be a good idea to skim Chapter 7 of the xv6 book.

In your groups, take a few moments to explore the xv6 kernel’s source code and attempt to answer the following questions about the xv6 scheduler:

  • ❓ What scheduling policy is xv6 implementing?
  • ❓ What are the possible states that an xv6 process can be in?
  • ❓ Which function is used to switch from one process back to the scheduler and vice versa?
  • ❓ How does the xv6 kernel handle scheduling on multiple CPUs?

  • 🎶 You might find it helpful here to draw a small chain that represents the sequence of events that can happen when scheduling is involved.

Hint: Most of what you are going to need to answer the above questions can be found in the files kernel/proc.h and kernel/proc.c. Moreover, to answer the last question accurately, looking at kernel/trap.c might also be helpful.

Drawbacks for the current implementation

Within your group, think of at least two possible disadvantages of the current implementation of the xv6 scheduler. You will need to argue for your choices when presenting them. You will also need to provide possible solutions for those disadvantages. You might find it helpful to think of edge cases that the current implementation of the scheduler does not consider.


In this activity, after discussing the drawbacks with your instructor, work with your group to solve both disadvantages. To help you out, we have provided you with helper functions that will make your life easier.

The btop utility

To help you visualize the utilization of the resources on your device, you can make use of the btop utility. You can install it on your Linux virtual machine (not xv6) using sudo apt install -y btop.

Part 1: Turning off the CPUs

In some cases, it might be useful for the operating system to turn off the CPUs to conserve power, heating, and batter life (if applicable). Therefore, instruction set architectures (ISA) such as RISC-V come equipped with the wfi (wait-for-interrupt) instruction. wfi puts the CPU core on which it is executing into a low power state until an interrupt is received. At that point, the core is awakened and it can resume executing from where it left off. This is very similar to the way condition variables work, but instead, we are dealing with the physical hardware on the machine.

Under kernel/proc.c, we have added the following function for you:

static inline void
  asm volatile("wfi");

This function will allow you to issue the wfi assembly instruction from your C source code whenever you need it.

Solve the first inefficiency of the xv6 scheduler using the wfi instruction. Verify that your kernel is conserving power and efficiency using the btop utility to visualize your processor’s utilization.

Part 2: Better data structures

To solve the implementation problems with the xv6 scheduler, it is desirable for us to implement an O(1) scheduling data structure. Feel free to implement your own from scratch if you feel up for it, but to help you out, we have provided you with our own custom implementation of a kernel linked list. Our implementation actually mirrors the one used in the Linux kernel.

The list API

To help you out with this part, we have provided you with the implementation of a kernel-level doubly-linked list that you can use. The list is defined in kernel/proc.h and implemented in kernel/list.c.

The list is implemented in a way such that the head of the list is always a sentinel, i.e., it does not contain any data. In other words, the first element in the list (or in our case the queue) will be head->next.

There are four important functions that you can use from the list API:

  1. init_list_head(struct list_head *list): This function initialize a list head to point to itself.

  2. list_add(struct list_head *head, struct list_head *new): Add new at the head of the list, i.e., new becomes the first element of the list.

  3. list_add_tail(struct list_head *head, struct list_head *new): Add new at the tail of the list, i.e., new becomes the last element in the list.

  4. list_del(struct list_head *list): Remove list from its corresponding list.

  5. list_del_init(struct list_head *list): Remove list from its corresponding list and reinitialize it to be reused later on.

Below is an example of how to use the API:

// This is the head of the list: Contains no data!
struct list_head head;

// This is the structure containing the data we want to put into a list
struct my_data_struct {
  struct list_head list;

  // data and other stuff go here
  int data;

void main(void)
  // 1. initialize the sentinel head of the list.

  // 2. create 3 nodes
  struct my_data_struct s1, s2, s3;
  // or can malloc the same:
  // struct my_data_struct *s1 = malloc(sizeof(struct my_data_struct));

  // 3. Init the list heads inside of the structure

  // 4. Add s1 to the start of the list
  list_add(&head, &s1.list);
  // list now become head -> s1.list

  // 5. Add s2 to the tail of the list
  list_add_tail(&head, &s2.list);
  // list now becomes head -> s1.list -> s2.list

  // 6. Add s3 to the head of the list
  list_add(&head, &s3.list);
  // list now becomes head -> s3.list -> s1.list -> s2.list

  // 7. iterate over the list
  struct list_head *iterator = &;
  struct my_data_struct *container;
  while(iterator != &head) {
    // 7.1 Extract the data from the list head
    // This is why the list_head must be the first element in the structure,
    // because we need to cast the smaller structure into the containing
    // structure.
    container = (struct my_data_struct *)iterator;
    printf("%d\n", container->data);

    iterator = iterator->next;

  // 8. delete s1 from the list
  // list now becomes head -> s3.list -> s2.list

  // 9. swap s2 and s3
  list_add(&head, &s2.list);
  list_add_tail(&head, &s3.list);

Implementation plan

  • Add a struct list_head to the process control block (make sure that it is the top element of the structure).

  • Add a struct list_head runq as a global variable in proc.c.

  • Anytime a process becomes ready to be executed, add it to the run queue. This step will require you to understand the scheduling code for xv6. Make sure to use Chapter 7 of the book as a reference. You might find it useful to add print statements to the scheduler so that you can figure out the call hierarchy of the scheduler.

At this point in time, you are adding the processes to the run queue, but you are not scheduling them. Modify the scheduler function in proc.c to schedule processes from the run queue instead of scanning the entire list of processes. Take a look at the original scheduling code and devise a plan to replace it with the code that uses the run queue.


At this point in time, you should try to run your scheduler, after compiling your code, you should be able to drop into the main xv6 shell and start issuing commands. If you can get to the shell but your xv6 kernel crashes after that, that’s okay, there’s one more thing we need to do.


xv6 support multiprocessing and is currently configured to run a virtual machine with two cores (or harts). This means that there are two schedulers running for each CPU. Well, that creates issues! Imagine that the scheduler for the first CPU accesses the run queue and wants to schedule the process at the top of the queue. But before doing that, the scheduler from the second CPU grabs that same process and tries to schedule it. All hell can break loose in that case, imagine trying to run the same process on two CPUs, Yikes!

Turning Off Multiprocessing

Before we start dealing with locking, let’s just confirm that our scheduler works. Since xv6 runs on top of the qemu emulator, we do have full control over how many processors can the xv6 machine run. Therefore, to avoid the above synchronization problem, we can ask qemu to run xv6 on a single hart machine, thus eliminating the possible race conditions.

To do so, you can use make CPUS=1 qemu instead of make qemu to build and run xv6. This will ensure that your qemu system launches with a single RISC-V hart.

Handling Synchronization using Locks

To completely help resolve this issue, you must make sure that all changes to the run queue are atomic. Changes to the run queue include both adding elements to it and removing elements from it.

Modify your solution so far and use synchronization primitives to make sure that all changes to the run queue happen atomically. You can find the struct spinlock useful. Take a look at how the process locks are managed to learn the API.


For final testing, make sure that you compile with multiple processors enabled using make qemu instead of make CPUS=1 qemu.

At this point, your scheduler should be ready for final testing. To make sure everything works correctly, try the fork tests again

$ usertests forkforkfork
usertests starting
test forkforkfork: OK

Submitting Your Code

From the Linux terminal, issue the command (make sure you are in the xv6-riscv directory in your repository):

  ./ <username>

and replace <username> with your RHIT username (without the < and >). For example, for me, that would be:

  ./ noureddi

If you get a message saying that you don’t have permission to run ./, then issue the following command first

  chmod +x ./

Here’s the output as it shows up on my end:

  Cleaning up xv6 directory...
  Process started: writing temporaries to /tmp/dab9bfedf8d508c2a1c3f1c95e6ba1fc.txt
  Found the following modified files:
  Creating the submission zip file.
    adding: user/rhmalloc.c (deflated 54%)
 has been created.
     Please submit THIS FILE AND THIS FILE ONLY to Gradescope.

This will generate a single file called (for me, it would be That is all you need to upload to Gradescope.

Submission Checklist

  • My code compiles and generates the right executables.
  • I ran the submission script to generate my zip file.
  • I submitted the zip file to Gradescope.

If you notice any typos or inaccuracies, please open a GitHub issue on this repository.