Lab 03 Process Lab


In this lab assignment, we will take a simple C unit test framework and parallelize it using multi-processing. Each process will run a separate test and will then need to communicate its test results to the main process that collects the results and prints information back to the user.

Leaning Objectives

At the end of the assignment, you should be able to:

  • Parallelize a simple unit testing framework using fork, exec, and wait.
  • Use pipes to exchange information between related processes.
  • Use signals to detect misbehaving processes and collect information about them.

Getting the Source Code

We will do this lab in the main branch of your labs repository. To make sure you are on the right branch, check it out using:

  $ git branch

The branch you are currently on will be highlighted for you (with a * next to its name).

If you are working on the main or master branch, then follow these instructions:

  $ git fetch upstream
  $ git pull upstream main

At this stage, you should have the latest copy of the code, and you are good to get started. The starter code is contained under the process_lab/ directory.

If you are currently on a different branch (say you are still on clab_solution from the last lab), then we need to switch to main or master (depending on your default’s name).

First, add, commit, and push your changes to the clab_solution to make sure you do not lose any progress you did on the last lab. To check the status of your current branch, you can use:

  $ git status

This will show you all the files you have modified and have not yet committed and pushed. Make sure you add those files, then commit your changes, and push them.

If git push complains about not knowing where to push, you’d want to push the current branch you are on. So for example, if I am working on clab_solution, then I’d want to do git push origin clab_solution.

Now, you are ready to swap back into main (or master).

$ git checkout main

Then, grab the latest changes using:

$ git fetch upstream
$ git pull upstream main

At this stage, you should have the latest copy of the code, and you are good to get started. The starter code is contained under the process_lab/ directory.

Starter Code

The starting code for this lab consists of 5 test dummy test functions, test1() through test5(), which are simply functions that accept no arguments and return a character pointer that is NULL when the test is passed successfully (thus the macro #define TEST_PASSED NULL).

The line char *(*test_funcs[MAX_TESTS])(); declares an array test_funcs of function pointers, where each pointer points to a function that returns a char * and accepts no arguments. test_funcs will be the list of test functions that we need to run in parallel.

The remaining functions, add_test and setup, simply emulate what would happen in a real unit test framework and maintain the tests that are in use. run_all_tests is the function that you should be implementing, as its name suggests, it is in charge of running all tests in the test suite and then collecting their results.

Compiling the Code

Similarly to the previous lab, we have provided you with a simple Makefile that will automate the process of compiling and linking your code. To build the lab, simply issue the make command from the Linux terminal:

$ make
cc -ggdb   -c -o simple_test.o simple_test.c
cc -ggdb -o simple_test.bin simple_test.o

Step 1: Run All the Tests in Parallel using fork

In this first step, we will implement run_all_tests to run our tests in parallel using multi-processing. For each test, you should fork a process that runs the setup code using a call to setup(), and then runs a test from list of available tests in the test suite. Note that each process you create should only run a single test and then exit.

Note that your implementation should not be dependent on the number of test cases declared in this test suite (5 in our case). In other words, fork the new processes should happen in a for loop that depends on the num_tests variable and not on the hard coded number 5.

After forking the test, the main process (the one that runs run_all_tests) will have to wait for all of its forked children and then print Test Done after each of them is done.

Here is an example output from my test run. Note that the order of the print outs might not match yours, and that is okay.

$ ./simple_test.bin
starting setup
starting setup
starting setup
starting test 1
starting test 2
starting test 3
ending test 1
ending test 2
Test Done
Test Done
Test Done

Step 2: Getting Test Results

In this step, we would like to obtain the results of each test that we run. Each test function (like test1() and so on) will return a character string that is NULL on success, and contains a message on failure. However, accessing these test result string from the main process is not possible since processes address spaces are isolated. Therefore, we would need other solutions.

In this step, we will make use of process exit code. For each child the runs a test, the child will exit with code 0 on success, and code 1 on failure. In other words, our children will run something that looks like:

char *tresult = test_funcs[i];
if(tresult == TEST_PASSED)

Then the parent can use the WEXITSTATUS macro to obtain the status code of an exiting child and then print Test Passed or Test Failed depending on whether the exit code is 0 or something else.

Running this on my machine gives something that looks like the following:

$ ./simple_test.bin
starting setup
starting setup
starting setup
starting test 1
starting test 2
starting test 3
ending test 1
ending test 2
Test Passed
Test Failed
Test Passed

Note that:

  1. The tests complete in a random order so it is not clear what test failed or successes when we return from wait. We will take care of that in step 6.
  2. We would like to print the test result message but using wait, we only have access to the child process’s exit code. So we will leave that until step 6 as well.

Step 3: Running Tests in Parallel with Only One Setup

When we create a fork, the child process is a new copy with a separate memory address space from that of the parent. That memory address space is an exact copy of that of the parent, which is why we are able to data matrix in all of our tests cases.

In this step, we will need to modify the code so that the main parent process runs the setup only once before forking, and then make use of the fact that memory is copied to make sure that all children operate on the same copy of the data.

This should be a very small change in your code, and the output should look something like:

$ ./simple_test.bin
starting setup
starting test 1
starting test 2
starting test 3
ending test 1
ending test 2
Test Passed
Test Failed
Test Passed

Note that starting setup is only printed once.

Step 4: Have a Special Result for Crashed Tests

One of the advantages of running our tests in separate processes is that if one test crashes due to a segmentation fault or any other error, then only that process running it will fail, and other processes will continue execution. In this step, we would like to detect if a test crashes and print an appropriate message in that case.

First, uncomment the line add_test(test4) in the main function and then recompile the code. Second, add code in your run_all_tests function to detect crashed tests and print Test Crashed correspondingly. Running this should generate something like the following:

$ ./simple_test.bin
starting setup
starting test 1
starting test 2
starting test 3
starting test 4
ending test 1
ending test 2
Test Crashed
Test Passed
Test Failed
Test Passed

Step 5: Stop Tests that Run Forever After 3 Seconds

Some tests might misbehave and run for a very long time, therefore we would like to detect such misbehaving tests and stop them after a specified time out. In this lab, we would like to add the feature to stop any test that runs lionger than 3 seconds. For this step, uncomment the line add_test(test5) in the main function and recompile the code.

Modify your code so that any process that runs for longer than 3 seconds should be stopped, and then the main parent process must detect that and print Test Timed Out. After implementing this, your output should look something like:

$ ./simple_test.bin
starting setup
starting test 1
starting test 2
starting test 3
starting test 4
starting test 5
ending test 1
ending test 2
Test Crashed
Test Passed
Test Failed
Test Passed
Test Timed Out

HINT: the easiest way to do is using alarm to get the child out of its infinite loop and into a signal handler. Then you can exit with a special exit code. Don’t remember about alaram? man alarm.

Step 6: Use Pipes to Display Test Errors

For this last stage, we would like to obtain the resulting messages from each test using inter-process communication. Specifically, we will be using Unix pipes to pass character arrays between the children and their parent. For more information, take a look at the man page for pipes using man 2 pipe from your Linux terminal.

In our case, we would like every process that fails a test case should use a pipe to communicate the error message back to the main parent. To do this successfully, we would need to create a pair of pipes between our main parent and every child process and then read from that corresponding pipe end when the child returns. However, we have a slight complication. In our current requirements, we are using the wait function to collect the children processes, and when wait returns, we do not know exactly which child was the one that returned, and thus we cannot know which pipe to read from.

To solve this problem, we will use the function waitpid instead of wait, check out the man page for wait using man wait. Specifically, waitpid accepts three arguments: the first is the pid of the child we would like to wait for, the second is the pointer to an integer where we would like to store the exit code of the child, and the third is a set of options that we won’t be using in this class and thus can pass as 0.

Hint: You might find it useful to keep track of all of the created children’s process IDs in an array.

When you’re done, your output should look something like:

$ ./simple_test.bin
starting setup
starting test 1
starting test 2
ending test 1
starting test 3
ending test 2
starting test 4
starting test 5
Test Passed
Test Passed
Test Failed: test 3 always fails
Test Crashed
Test Timed Out

Optional Practice: Prime Sieve

In this problem, we would like to implement the primes sieve, an idea due to Doug Mcllroy, the inventor of Unix pipes. Your solution should use fork and pipe to set up a pipeline and check the first prime numbers that are less than 35.

The first process generates the number 2 through 35 and feeds the numbers that are not multiples of 2 into the pipeline. The second process eliminates the multiples of 3, the third process eliminates the multiples of 5, and so on and so forth. For each prime number, you will create a process that reads from its left neighbor and write to its right neighbors, as shown in the figure below:


Your implementation should satisfy the following requirements:

  • Once the main process reaches the number 35, it should wait until the entire pipeline terminates, including all children and grandchildren, etc.
  • Processes should only be created on a per-need basis, i.e., you should not preallocate all processes and then run the sieve.
  • The program should terminate when all the pipeline has been destroyed, i.e., there shouldn’t be any zombie or orphan processes.
  • Each prime number must be printed by a separate process.


To help you in this implementation, here is a simple pseudocode that illustrates what each process in the pipeline must do

p = get a number form left neighbor
print p
  n = get number from left neighbor
  if(p does not divide n)
    send n to right neighbor

Here is an example output:

$ ./primes.bin
prime 2
prime 3
prime 5
prime 7
prime 11
prime 13
prime 17
prime 19
prime 23
prime 29
prime 31

You do not have to submit this file, this is only for your practice.

Submitting your code

There are no special submission requirements for this lab, you only have to submit the simple_test.c file. Please do not submit any other files than simple_test.c.

Submission Checklist

  • My code compiles and generates the right executables.
  • I submitted simple_test.c to Gradescope.


Check out this assignment’s grading page for more information.