Memory Lab 01 -- Heap Manager


A basic feature of any programming library is a heap manager that handles the allocation and freeing of memory resources. The memory manager is invoked every time you allocate room for a class or object, and then when you no longer need those resources. The heap manager is not a feature of the operating system, it is rather provided by the maintainers of the programming language you are using. Specifically, for C, one implementation of a heap manager comes from the standard libc library, and handles the calls to malloc and free. The heap manager presents the users with a library that wraps around many system calls that the operating system provides.

In this lab assignment, we will implement a basic heap manager for the C library in the xv6 operating system. However, note that the heap manager we will be designing is not built-into the operating system. Rather it lives entirely in user-space and is only accessible through a user-level API.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lab assignment, you should be able to:

  • Implement a basic memory manager for users of the xv6 operating system.
  • Use the sbrk system call to reserve memory from the operating system.
  • Manage free memory and provide users with chunks of memory based on API requests.

Overview and Some Reading

We will implement the Rose-Hulman memory manager in the xv6 operating system by providing support for two main function calls: rhmalloc and rhfree that allocate memory on the heap, and free allocated memory, respectively. First, it is a good idea to gain some familiarity with the standard libc memory API, specifically, malloc and free, by reading this section from our textbook.

Furthermore, managing memory requires us to maintain a free list that tracks the free chunks of memory that can be allocated based on user requests. This section of our textbook provides a great deal of information about strategies to maintain a free list in a heap management system.

Briefly, our heap manager first allocates a large chunk (or slab) of memory from the operating system by asking for it using the sbrk system call. That chunk of memory is now owned by the heap manager and can then be distributed to users based on incoming requests. When a user makes a request for memory using the rhmalloc function, the memory manager will try to accommodate the request by splitting the list of available memory and giving the user ownership over a chunk of the requested size. Once the user is done with that chunk of memory, they will use the rhfree function call to give back ownership of the memory area to the memory manager that merges it with its list of free memory chunks. Note that throughout this lab, we will make several simplifying assumptions that will make our lives easier and makes the process of implementing a memory manager more enjoyable.

Getting the Source Code

To obtain the source code for this lab, follow the instructions below.

1. Commit and push your changes to your current branch

First, make sure all your changes to your current branch are pushed to your repo. Recall that you can use git branch to check which branch you are currently on.

Follow the standard git add, git commit, and git push workflow to push your changes to your own private repo.

If at any point, you get permission issues, this most likely means that you are trying to push to the class repo, which you do not have access for. To push to your own main branch, you can use:

  $ git push origin main

2. Fetch the changes from our repo

From your Linux terminal, fetch our changes using:

  $ git fetch upstream

Then, make sure you can see this lab’s branch, namely upstream/heapmm.

  $ git branch -a
  * clab_solution

You might see more branches locally (under origin) depending on what you have done, but you should be good if remotes/upstream/heapmm shows up.

3. Get the code in a new branch

Next, let’s checkout the heapmm branch and create a new local branch for its solution.

  $ git checkout -b heapmm_solution upstream/heapmm
  branch 'heapmm_solution' set up to track 'upstream/heapmm'.
  Switched to a new branch 'heapmm_solution'

4. Push the changes to your repo

Finally, push your changes to your own repo to make sure the code is there and you can start editing.

  $ git push --set-upstream origin heapmm_solution
  Enumerating objects: 119, done.
  Counting objects: 100% (119/119), done.
  Delta compression using up to 56 threads
  Compressing objects: 100% (64/64), done.
  Writing objects: 100% (111/111), 42.50 KiB | 42.50 MiB/s, done.
  Total 111 (delta 42), reused 111 (delta 42), pack-reused 0
  remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (42/42), completed with 8 local objects.
  remote: Create a pull request for 'heapmm_solution' on GitHub by visiting:
   * [new branch]      heapmm_solution -> heapmm_solution
  branch 'heapmm_solution' set up to track 'origin/heapmm_solution'.

Structures and Definitions

To get you started, we have provided you with some definitions and structures that are going to be helpful for you in implementing our Rose-Hulman heap manager. Let’s go through them one by one so we can understand what is going on. We will start with the definitions in user/rhmalloc.h and then move to the helper functions in user/rhmalloc.c.


First, we have defined the maximum heap size to be 1MB of memory. In other words, we only have 1MB of memory to allocate to the users’ requests. Normally, the heap grows dynamically as we need more memory, but in this lab, we will make the simplifying assumption that our heap never exceeds 1MB. If a user requests an area that is larger than 1MB, our memory manager will simply refuse to allocate memory and return an invalid pointer. Therefore, the MAX_HEAP_SIZE macro is defined as 1024 x 1024 bytes as follows:

#define MAX_HEAP_SIZE 1024*1024

Next, we need to make sure that our chunks are properly aligned in memory. In other words, we want all of our allocated and free memory chunks to be in multiples of ALIGNMENT bytes (for reasons that will become clearer later on in the course). Therefore we define the ALIGNMENT macro as the size of an unsigned long integer:

#define ALIGNMENT sizeof(unsigned long)

In addition, we define the macro ALIGN that takes as input a size in bytes, and adjusts it so that it is a multiple of ALIGNMENT bytes:

#define ALIGN(size) (((size) + (ALIGNMENT-1)) & ~(ALIGNMENT-1))

For practical purposes, anytime a user wants to allocate s bytes, we must align those bytes to the closest multiple of ALIGNMENT bytes by using the ALIGN macro as follows:

unsigned size_to_allocate = ALIGN(s);

The Metadata

Next, in order to keep track of our memory blocks, we must maintain a set of information about each block (like whether it is allocated or not, its size, etc.). We therefore define the struct metadata as follows:

struct __attribute__((aligned(8))) metadata {
  unsigned size;         /* The size of the block. */
  unsigned in_use:1;     /* Flag to indicate if the block is in use.*/
  struct metadata *next; /* The next pointer in the linked list. */
  struct metadata *prev; /* The prev pointer in the linked list. */

and then we define a new type based on this union to make it easier to code using:

typedef union metadata metadata_t;

The members of struct metadata are explained in the comments above. The __attribute__((aligned(8))) modified makes sure that our structure’s size (when queried with sizeof) is always a multiple of 8 bytes; we rely on nifty compiler tricks to make that happen!

Note that each block’s metadata contains two pointers, prev and next. This indicates that the blocks are maintained in a simple doubly linked list. For simplicity, we assume that the blocks are sorted by increasing memory order. In other words, the next block always points to an address that is higher in memory, and the prev block always points to an address that is lower in memory.

Finally, note that in our Rose-Hulman memory manager, we keep track of both free and used blocks. Unlike more sophisticated memory managers who only keep track of a free list, we find it simpler to implement for our educational purposes to keep track of all of our blocks, regardless of whether they are free or in-use.

Globals and Helper Functions

Next, let’s take a look at the user/rhmalloc.c file. The static global variable heap_mem_start is used by our memory manager to keep track of the start of the region of memory to allocate. It is initialized to 0 (i.e., NULL).

Second, the static metadata variable freelist refers to the head of the list of the doubly linked list of blocks to be allocated. Similar to heap_mem_start, it is initialized to 0 and should be re-initialized when the heap manager is first called upon. Additionally, the function freelist_head simply returns a pointer to the head of the list, i.e., it simply returns freelist. In a similar fashion, the function heap_start returns the heap_mem_start pointer.

Implementation and Testing

The main trick we’ll play on our users is that we will embed a metadata structure into the top of every memory region we return to them. For example, if the user asks for 8 bytes, then what we actually allocate is 8 + sizeof(struct metadata) bytes, we place the struct metadata at the top of that memory region, and then return to the user a pointer to the first byte after the metadata structure.

Our user therefore will never be aware of the presence of the struct metadata at the top of their allocated memory region, we keep it hidden from them so we can recover it when we need it.

A couple of questions you would need to ask yourself and answer throughout the lab:

  1. After we create a memory region for the user, how do we return to the user the address of the first byte after the metadata?
  2. Given a pointer from the user, how do we recover the metadata for the memory region?
  3. When deciding if we have enough memory, what is the size we need to check for?

Use these questions and their answers as guidelines for you throughout this lab.


First thing we would like to implement is the initialization code in rhmalloc_init. This function should only be called once at the start to communicate with the operating system kernel and reserve a large piece of memory of size MAX_HEAP_SIZE. It is also responsible for initializing heap_mem_start and the free list.

We have provided you with the starting code for this function. Here is how it goes. First, we call heap_mem_start = sbrk(0); to ask the operating system to tell if it were to allocate any memory for us, where would the starting address of that piece of memory be.

Next, we actually ask the OS to reserve a large slab of memory of size MAX_HEAP_SIZE for us using:

p = sbrk(MAX_HEAP_SIZE);
if(p == (char *)-1) {
  fprintf(2, "sbrk failed:exiting....\n");

At that point in time, if the sbrk system call succeeds, we will know for sure that p == heap_mem_start and that they both point to an area of memory that is of size MAX_HEAP_SIZE.

Your job in rhmalloc_init is the implement the code that properly initializes freelist. Note that initially, we only have a single free block, so our doubly linked list contains a single node only (in other words, the next and prev pointers are invalid). Here are a few hints to help you implement this function:

  1. Note that each block contains its own metadata at the top of the block. In other words, the first sizeof(metadata_t) bytes of each block are reserved for that block’s metadata. This should help you obtain freelist from p.
  2. Note that the size variable in each block refers to the usable size of that block, i.e., its size without its metadata.
  3. All blocks start off not being in use.

Freeing everything

Next, let’s take a look at the rhfree_all function. This function is tasked with freeing everything and returning the previously allocated slab of memory back to the operating system. We have implemented that function for you.

In short, calling the system call sbrk with a negative number x shrinks a process’s memory region by x bytes. That is why we make the call sbrk(-MAX_HEAP_SIZE).

The next two lines simply reset freelist and heap_mem_start to 0.

Implementing rhmalloc

Now let’s start with implementing rhmalloc. We have provided you with the first two lines that call rhmalloc_init in case freelist has not been initialized yet.

When a user requests x bytes, the memory manager will search for a free block that can fit those x bytes plus the metadata required to maintain the information about that block. Then, if the found block is much larger that x bytes, the memory manager will split that block into two contiguous blocks, one that is return to the user and one that contains the free bytes remaining from the split operation. For example, ignoring the metadata bytes, if the memory area initially consists of a single block of size 4 bytes, and the user requests 1 bytes, then the memory manager will split the 4 bytes block into two blocks: one of size 1 byte that is returned to the user and another of size 3 bytes that is still marked as free and can be used to allocate memory for other users.

Now you should implement the process by which our memory manager will allocate a block of size bytes to whoever called rhmalloc. Here are a few hints:

  1. Note that we always allocate things in multiples of ALIGNMENT bytes. Therefore, as discussed earlier, you should use the ALIGN macro to figure out how many bytes to allocate for that user.
  2. Next, your code must search the freelist for the first block that can fit the user’s requested size. Once you find such a block, two cases might arise:
    1. The found block can only fit the user’s request, then your search is done and you should update the block’s metadata and return to the user a pointer to the start of the usable section of the block (In other words, the user should not be aware of the presence of the metadata_t struct in the block).

      For example, if the free block you found is of size 24 bytes and the user requests 16 bytes, then it doesn’t make sense to split the block since it cannot fit any other request from the user. So we can bite the bullet and allocate to the full 24 bytes to the user even though they only needed 16 bytes.

    2. The found block is larger than the user’s request, then we must split that block into two blocks, one that is returned to the user and another that is free and contains the remaining bytes. Then, if another request comes in, the memory manager will use the second block to service that user’s request.


Once you complete your implementation of rhmalloc, you can use the test_basic_alloc test in user/lab01test.c to verify that your code works correctly. To do so, first compile your code using

$ make qemu

and then run the test with the parameter 1 to only run the test_basic_alloc test case using

$ lab01test 1
test_basic_alloc(57): OK.
test_basic_alloc(61): OK.
test_basic_alloc(62): OK.
test_basic_alloc(63): OK.
test_basic_alloc(64): OK.
test_basic_alloc(68): OK.
test_basic_alloc(69): OK.
test_basic_alloc(70): OK.
test_basic_alloc(71): OK.
test_basic_alloc(72): OK.
test_basic_alloc(77): OK.
test_basic_alloc(81): OK.
test_basic_alloc(82): OK.
test_basic_alloc(83): OK.
test_basic_alloc(84): OK.
test_basic_alloc(87): OK.
test_basic_alloc(88): OK.
test_basic_alloc(90): OK.
test_basic_alloc(91): OK.

Again, just like in the previous lab, the number between parenthesis tells you which test case passed or failed.

Implementing rhfree

Next, let us implement rhfree. Given a pointer ptr, rhfree will find the memory block that ptr belongs to and then mark that pointer as free by updating the metadata of that specific block. And that is the basic operating of the rhfree call.

Testing basic rhfree

Once you have implemented the basic idea behind rhfree, you can double check the correctness of your code by running the test_basic_free test case from user/lab01test.c as follows:

$ lab01test 2
test_basic_free(114): OK.
test_basic_free(115): OK.
test_basic_free(116): OK.
test_basic_free(117): OK.
test_basic_free(120): OK.
test_basic_free(128): OK.
test_basic_free(129): OK.
test_basic_free(132): OK.
test_basic_free(133): OK.
test_basic_free(134): OK.
test_basic_free(139): OK.
test_basic_free(140): OK.
test_basic_free(142): OK.
test_basic_free(143): OK.
test_basic_free(145): OK.
test_basic_free(150): OK.
test_basic_free(154): OK.
test_basic_free(155): OK.

Implementing coalescing

One disadvantage of implementing rhfree in the basic way discussed above is that if the users request to allocate a lot of tiny sized blocks and then free them. The memory manager’s free list will end of a lot of tiny free blocks. And if a user comes in with a request for a large piece of memory, then the memory manager would not be able to service that request since it does not have a contiguous large block of free memory.

Here is an example to make it clearer. Ignoring metadata, let’s assume initially we have a single free block of size 4 bytes. Then a user makes 4 requests for 4 blocks of size 1 byte each, and then frees those blocks. Using our basic rhfree implementation, the memory manager will now contain a list of four free blocks, each of size 1 byte.

If a user now comes in and asks for a block of 2 bytes of memory, the memory manger would not be able to service that request since it only has 4 blocks of size 1 byte each, but no blocks of size 2 bytes or more. This is bad because even though we actually have 4 bytes of free memory, we cannot service the user’s request because those 4 bytes are not in a single block.

To solve this problem, every time a user frees a pointer, we must check whether we can merge, or coalesce, any free blocks in our free list. Since we do this every time we free a pointer, we only need to check for adjacent blocks (i.e., we do not need to scan the entire free list, only the block adjacent to the block we have just freed).

Implementation and testing

To implement coalescing, when a user calls rhfree, you must check if the freed block is adjacent to another free block, and then merge those two blocks together (while preserving the ordering of the pointers in the list). Note that there are two cases we must take care of:

  1. The freed block is the first in a pair of blocks that must be merged, then the resulting block will have the same address as that of the freed block, and the second block in the pair will no longer be addressable.

    For example, if we have two blocks (a -> b) that are both free and each of size 1 byte, then we must merge those two into a single block with address a of size 2 bytes.

  2. The freed block is the second in a pair of blocks that must be merged, then the results block will have the address of the first block in the pair and the free block will no longer be addressable.

    For example, if we free a block a and then find a block c that is also free, and such that c directly precedes a in the free list, then we must merge those two blocks into a single block c that is of size size(c) + size(a).

To check the implementation of case 1 above, run the test_coalesce_basic1 test from the user/lab01test.c as follows:

$ lab01test 3
test_coalesce_basic1(176): OK.
test_coalesce_basic1(177): OK.
test_coalesce_basic1(178): OK.
test_coalesce_basic1(181): OK.
test_coalesce_basic1(182): OK.
test_coalesce_basic1(183): OK.

To check the implementation of case 2 above, run the test_coalesce_basic2 test from the user/lab01test.c as follows:

$ lab01test 4
test_coalesce_basic2(204): OK.
test_coalesce_basic2(205): OK.
test_coalesce_basic2(206): OK.
test_coalesce_basic2(209): OK.
test_coalesce_basic2(210): OK.
test_coalesce_basic2(211): OK.

To check the combination of both cases, run the test_coalesce3 test from the user/lab01test.c as follows:

$ lab01test 5
test_coalesce3(233): OK.
test_coalesce3(234): OK.
test_coalesce3(235): OK.
test_coalesce3(238): OK.
test_coalesce3(239): OK.
test_coalesce3(240): OK.
test_coalesce3(244): OK.
test_coalesce3(245): OK.
test_coalesce3(246): OK.
test_coalesce3(247): OK.
test_coalesce3(248): OK.

Running the test cases

If you were careful when implementing rhmalloc and rhfree above, the remainder of the test cases should pass automatically. Here is a description of the remaining ones.

Test force alignment

This tests that your code aligns correctly. By aligned here we mean evenly divisible by the size of the archiecture - because in this system pointers are 8-bytes, our struct must start at an address that is divisible by 8. Similarly, because we have no idea what our user might want to store in their allocated space, we must also always give them an address that is divisible by 8.

To run this test case, run lab01test with the argument 6 as follows:

$ lab01test 6
test_force_alignment(261): OK.
test_force_alignment(268): OK.
test_force_alignment(271): OK.
test_force_alignment(273): OK.
test_force_alignment(275): OK.
test_force_alignment(276): OK.

Test too small blocks

This test ensures that you never have an entry in the free list that is too small to actually contain data. This can happen when a new rhmalloc requests a size that is very slightly smaller than an available block in the free list. The normal thing to do would be to split the block, but if it is just slightly smaller there isn’t enough space to actually add a new entry. In this case the block should not be split, and instead the slightly larger block should be fully allocated to the request (and, as with alignment the stored size should reflect the true allocation not the requested allocation).

In this system, the minimum size needed to allocate a viable block is the size of a aligned metadata block + 8 bytes.

To run this test case, run lab01test with the argument 7 as follows:

$ lab01test 7
test_too_small_blocks(295): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(306): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(315): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(316): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(326): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(332): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(333): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(344): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(348): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(350): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(351): OK.
test_too_small_blocks(352): OK.

Test gracefully run out of memory

Running out of memory should not be a problem for a memory manager. Functions that call rhmalloc are supposed to check to see if the result pointer was 0 (which indicates an allocation failure). So your memory manager should behave correctly (i.e., return 0) rather than crashing or infinite looping when a malloc cannot be fulfilled because the slab is fully in use.

To run this test case, run lab01test with the argument 8 as follows:

$ lab01test 8
test_gracefully_run_out_of_memory(364): OK.

Test stress big heap

This test allocates a bunch of very big memory regions and then frees them in a random order. If you’ve coded the previous parts correctly, this should work on the first try. One thing that can sometimes cause an issue is incorrect coalescing - after the big chunks have all been freed, the code allocates a really big chunk. This will fail unless all the previous regions have been correctly coalesced.

To run this test case, run lab01test with the argument 9 as follows:

$ lab01test 9
test_stress_big_heap_chunks(384): OK.
test_stress_big_heap_chunks(384): OK.
test_stress_big_heap_chunks(384): OK.
test_stress_big_heap_chunks(384): OK.
test_stress_big_heap_chunks(384): OK.
test_stress_big_heap_chunks(384): OK.
test_stress_big_heap_chunks(384): OK.
test_stress_big_heap_chunks(390): OK.
test_stress_big_heap_chunks(401): OK.

Test stress overlapping

This test randomly allocates and deallocates regions. While doing allocations, it checks to ensure that the newly created region does not overlap with an existing allocation region. If you’ve coded the previous parts correctly, this should work on the first try.

To run this test case, run lab01test with the argument 10 as follows:

$ lab01test 10

There will be no printout in case the test is successful.

Running the full grading script

Once you are done implementing all the above programs, run the grading script using

$ make grade

from your Linux terminal (not your xv6 terminal window).

Submitting your code

From the Linux terminal, issue the command (make sure you are in the xv6-riscv directory in your repository):

  ./ <username>

and replace <username> with your RHIT username (without the < and >). For example, for me, that would be:

  ./ noureddi

If you get a message saying that you don’t have permission to run ./, then issue the following command first

  chmod +x ./

Here’s the output as it shows up on my end:

  Cleaning up xv6 directory...
  Process started: writing temporaries to /tmp/dab9bfedf8d508c2a1c3f1c95e6ba1fc.txt
  Found the following modified files:
  Creating the submission zip file.
    adding: user/rhmalloc.c (deflated 54%)
 has been created.
     Please submit THIS FILE AND THIS FILE ONLY to Gradescope.

This will generate a single file called (for me, it would be That is all you need to upload to Gradescope.

Submission Checklist

  • My code compiles and generates the right executables.
  • I ran make grade to double check the test cases for all of my code.
  • I ran the submission script to generate my zip file.
  • I submitted the zip file to Gradescope.

If you notice any typos or inaccuracies, please open a GitHub issue on this repository.