Motivation - Why I care ?

Try to find a problem that is not just interesting but also meaningful to tackle. The problem doesn’t need to be scientifically novel, but you should have a reasonable narrative to justify its value.

Effort - What is the losc?

I wish you put fair amount of time and effort to accomplish the project. In another words, the project should not be trivial, e.g., not something you can finish in one afternoon by following an online tutorial.

The lines of source code may not be the best metric to measure the effort, since some deep hacking (e.g., kernel modification) requires more code reading than writing. But the idea is that the project should be challenging. Quote one note that is attached on the leg machine at SRC: ​ If it doesn’t challenge you, it will not change you.

Topic Preference - The lower the better

One advantage you can potentially gain from this class is that, you can understand how the bit and byte fly in the Layer 1 and Layer 2. When you look at the network problem, you are now able to see some root causes. I prefer to integrate those lower-level knowledge to solve a problem.

Example topics:

  • Physical Layer Security, e.g., Radio-Telepathy, my paper

  • Scale up the probe request lab

  • WiFi kernel modification, e.g., changing scan behavior

  • MAC layer packet injection, e.g., MITM from sratch