
In this lab, you will use scapy to forge a RTS packet with unrealistically large NAV value. As NAV is used by surrounding devices to decide how long it should restrain from using channel in order to avoid collision, setting up large NAV value can potentially be exploited to monopolize the channel.

Please check out this paper for more information on NAV attack.


Once successfully forging a wicked RTS packet, try to measure the throughput of a targeted network (i.e., channel) to assess the effectiveness of the NAV attack. To measure throughput, iperf3 is a recommended tool.


Please answer the following questions and push a txt file into the repo.

  1. How does the WiFi throughput change after launching the NAV attack?

  2. If it changes, please briefly describe a solution to defend such attack.

  3. If the throughput doesn’t change, please explain what could be the possible reason.